Saturday, December 11, 2004


I have the pleasure of attending 3 xmas work parties this December. I'ma review 'em all. Here's the first:

The Stimmy Rockstar Party.

Eats: OMFGROTFLMAO! If dried out prosciutto jerky, suspicious stuffing and brown celery roots are your thing. I guess the company knows that 1337 G4M3R5 who eat pizza and chips all night will eat just about anything. 0/5

Entertainment: DJ Girl rawked the house yo. Stimmy provided mad strobe light f-x. Drama-prone girls wandered around and so did space invader characters that do have names. ('splitter,' 'pulser' 'mystery ship' and '10, 20 or 30 pt. invaders so hah.) 4.5/5

Raffle: Dinky cars and ipods. 3/5

Venue: A cozy size for a cozy-sized company, and nice tropical decor and boob paintings. 4.5/5

Extra: Above-par jacket finding abilities and cab flagging skillz ensured I didn't go home cold, wet and mugged. 5/5

GRAND TOTAL: 17 / 25

Not too shabby, y0.


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