Really cool things I wanted to save:
1. The beatboxing match from the karaoke party last week: Kat commented today she wished she had recorded it. Me too.
2. The cute animals & Santa gingerbread display at the Hyatt. It was the cutest thing I ever saw and I am so sorry I did not have a camera.
3. Walking home from work yesterday, me and Saaf stopped at the traintracks and looked east at an industrial fog-scape. The tracks disappearing into the fog, which was stained orange with 4 steetlights. Entire area covered with snow and riddled with hundreds of black crows. Camera, where are you when I need you?
4. Some song J was playing in his car on the way back from his company party. I wanted to rewind it but I also wanted to be considerate and not rewind it. It was so good. But he deleted it off his pod and now its gone.
I guess the fact that all these rad things couldn't be saved makes their experience sweeter.