Monday, January 17, 2005

Really cool things I wanted to save:

1. The beatboxing match from the karaoke party last week: Kat commented today she wished she had recorded it. Me too.

2. The cute animals & Santa gingerbread display at the Hyatt. It was the cutest thing I ever saw and I am so sorry I did not have a camera.

3. Walking home from work yesterday, me and Saaf stopped at the traintracks and looked east at an industrial fog-scape. The tracks disappearing into the fog, which was stained orange with 4 steetlights. Entire area covered with snow and riddled with hundreds of black crows. Camera, where are you when I need you?

4. Some song J was playing in his car on the way back from his company party. I wanted to rewind it but I also wanted to be considerate and not rewind it. It was so good. But he deleted it off his pod and now its gone.

I guess the fact that all these rad things couldn't be saved makes their experience sweeter.

Sunday, January 16, 2005

quizzo my nizzo

I'm stoked. I made one of those lil 'test your friend's knowledge of u' quizzes and out of 13 ppl.. R. was the only one to get 100! He guessed the colour and the rave thing was fuzzy. But whoah, he knows me best out of 13 ppl so far. :D PS. If you haven't taken the quiz yet and read this blog, don't read this yet!

RIGHT 1) Where did I grow up? c) Ontario
RIGHT 2) Was I ever a raver? c) Went to Sweet Gets Wicked in 2000 only.
RIGHT 3) What's my favorite music? a) House and Trance
RIGHT 4) How many pets do I have? d) 1 dog; Lady
RIGHT 5) What did I major in? c) Communications
RIGHT 6) What's my ideal night out? b) I'd rather stay in with my computer
RIGHT 7) Where would I rather be now? b) Greece, London, Tofino, and especially Romania.
RIGHT 8) What's my favorite colour? a) Blue
9) What's one of my favorite movies? c) Secret Things
RIGHT 10) Am I naughty? b) Yes

Rank Name Score
1 Chris 100 <-- cheated. not his real score!
2 wiggs 100 <-- ding ding!
3 Matt 80 <-- guy i hardly talk to who stalks me at work
4 dave 80 <-- never met him but we know each other really well via msn
5 Jayson 70 <-- workmate
6 Julian 60 <-- ex-workmate
7 jared 60 <-- my own BROTHER thought i was a candy raver!
8 Sera 60 <-- i got 60 on her quiz
9 Loki 60 <-- not bad for someone i hardly see
10 Janet 50 <-- i got 60 on her quiz too
11 Evan 50 <-- workmate haha i knew he'd suck and think i like PINK best
12 Sir Albert Herbert Floofypants 40 <-- i thot he'd know me better but good company doesn't necessarily equate with knowledge of facts about a person
13 Danilo 20 <-- he's allowed this score.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005


Here I am posting something solely because my new keyboard needs some extended testing. Type type. Max is now complete. He is all black and silver; so leet. The only thing I may get later on is a LCD monitor for him. But for now this CRT is fine. And it is black.

This keyboard is making the grade!! It is so effing rad. It's a Logitech extra flat one, flat like notebook keys. You actually move your fingers less to type, and there is hardly any noise. Plus it looks so space age. Hm time to find a picture again.

Omg look at this rad leetness, people. Does YOUR keyboard have that kind of flatness?

Ok so here's what I've been doing lately:

Today - lazy day in researching digicams (belated grad present to-be) and deleting everything off Honoria (old comp).

Last night - weed/karaoke goodbye party featuring: raw scallops from Nova Scotia, a Nova Scotian rapper, a Quebecois-Jamaican rapper, and a local butcher who also rapped. Much rapping occured, to the sounds of Prince and Abba.

Night before - wrote a long blog entry about my favorite beneficial friend of two yrs, R. Decided it was too mushy so published it in my ultra-secret blog only.

Night before that - Dinner / Pie night with aforementioned friend.

Night before that - It gets kinda fuzzy from there on but I made lots of pies and stuff and other stuff. Hanging out with a few newish ppl I've met. Saw Garden State -- good indie film.

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

New Years Resolutions

I only have a few new years resolutions for 2005:

1. Come to a conclusion / workable plan what kind of business I want to start or what career I want to have that will actually bring me satisfaction every day and that will make me motivated to get up and work daily.

2. Follow my heart. Continue to ignore what the world thinks and break down preconceived notions. Short-cut to accomplishing the most important goals in life I want to accomplish and forget about the rest.

3. Beautify my life more, and bring out the Pisces my landlord says is repressed.

4. Care about other people more and be more altruistic.

5. Stay healthy.

I will check up on these resolutions on January 1st, 2006! :)


I hung out at a friends last nite and learned how to beatmatch records and watched 'garden state' (has a really good soundtrack, including frou frou -let go and postal service), then went up to sfu today to help another friend research a business proposal for his tennis store, then slept 5 hrs and had a nightmare about a serial killer, then made 6 batches of pie dough. Sherry's coming tomorrow to finish making the peach pie and watch more dvd's!