Friday, December 26, 2008

2 months

Two months ago yesterday, you passed away, Lady. Yesterday was Dec 25, 08. I had an excellent Christmas. Stayed home with boyfriend, watched 'A Christmas Carol' on Christmas eve and 'Slum Dog Millionaire' on Christmas day. Exchanged gifts with the boi.. he got me an SLR camera and I got him 15 gourmet ingredients.

Then I went with Sera to Jeni's turkey dinner and it was everything that a Christmas gathering should be, in my mind. Warm home, big real tree, lots of happy people, lots of joking around, and the food!! Turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, brussels sprouts, carrots, salad with pine nuts/dijon/oliveoil/balsamic/feta (must remember the recipe), wine, four kinds of pie, ice cream, whipped cream, cranberry sauce.

Jeni and Jerry did a hilarious impersonation of Jeni's 16 yr old kid, when he was younger (a pee dance). There was a 'present stealing game' and Christmas crackers. And a cute 18 month old baby whose mom was really funny ("After you have the third kid, you don't care.. you just send them out to the busy street and say here, take this knife!")

There are several feet of snow on the ground.. all of Canada had a white Christmas. If you were still alive you wouldn't really have been able to walk into the backyard to pee anyway. We humans can barely walk in it. Ju and I are hosting a potluck on Dec 28. With more turkey! I haven't cleaned an inch of house yet.

Really looking forward to it though, there will be a 2 month old baby there, lots of Ju's cousins, and maybe even a dog (Mandy's little toy mutt, Charlie). I was exhausted last night by the way, possibly partly caused by subconscious depression, and almost stayed in, but Sera came and dragged me out to dinner, which was good, of course.

Ju went to his extended family dinnner with their takeout Chinese food (ew, tired of it), where he had a 'deep talk' with his uncle about how his uncle things we should marry and have kids, because Ju's mom likes holding Ju's 2 month old niece so much.

Seeing Jeni and Jerry's dog try to sneak into the warm house last night totally reminded me of you. And how you'd slowly but stubbornly press forward and walk into the house, looking straight ahead and avoiding all eye contact, because you knew that it was disallowed or partially disallowed, but you wanted to anyway.

You really loved snow.. we have pics of you bouncing around in it, and looking up at the snow we threw into the air. It made you hyper and you'd run around randomly eating it, like most dogs who like snow do. Remember when we put straw in your house and you slept with Beethoven to keep warm?

2 months have passed by fast; I thought it was Nov 25, but I was mistaken.. it was Oct 25. You are still just as real to me though, as if you were still alive. And your ashes are still on Dad's desk, waiting to be scattered..

Merry Christmas, sweet doggy!